A Vision for the Future
In GIS, we share the conviction that success and long-term permanence depend on our capacity to generate a sustainable development based on our workers, innovation, productivity, and the efficiency of all the processes that we use and also on the unlimited respect to the moral standards of our Code of Ethics and to the environment.
Achieving the preservation and sustainability of the communities where we operate is a commitment we assume with thorough responsibility; seeking every time to reduce the environmental footprint of our business processes. We express our awareness to deliver to the future generations a better world and environment than the one we received.
As part of our commitment to protect the environment, GIS has an Environmental Protection Policy which sets action guidelines for its team. We account with the ISO-14001 certification and the Clean Industry Certificate issued by the “Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente”, on behalf of the Mexican Federal Government.
For more specific information about our action and strategy for environmental care please click on the link below.
Environmental Performance Social Performance Corporate Governance